Gone to the Dogs Rescue Foster Contract Gone to the Dogs Rescue Foster Contract TERMS AND CONDITIONS: I hereby acknowledge receiving the animal(s) described on this contract. I understand that title to the animal(s) belongs to the Gone to the Dogs Rescue (GTTD) and that this title is not being conveyed to me as part of this foster care arrangement and that the control of this animal or animals remains with the GTTD. I agree to provide the animal(s) loving care, including at a minimum: adequate food, adequate water, adequate shelter that is properly cleaned, adequate space for the particular type of animal depending upon its age, size, species and weight, and adequate exercise. I also agree to follow GTTD instructions related to transportation and provision of veterinary care in order to prevent suffering and/or disease transmission. I agree to keep the animal(s), if puppies, kittens or adult cats, indoors at all times. I agree to keep the animal(s), if adult dogs, primarily indoors with appropriate, supervised outdoor time for leash walks, exercise and play. I further agree to directly supervise this animal when interacting with other animals in my home, and not to leave this animal unsupervised with other animals in my home. I understand that medicines and other supplies provided by the GTTD are for use with GTTD foster care animals only and that these medicines and supplies are not to be administered to animals for which the GTTD does not hold title or to any animal for which it was not prescribed. I agree to return to the GTTD any and all foster care supplies provided by the GTTD when I return my foster care animals. I understand that all emergency and after-hours veterinary care must be authorized in advance by a representative of the GTTD. I agree to personally incur the cost for any such treatment for which I have failed to receive pre-authorization by the GTTD. I agree not to travel with the animal(s) outside of the greater Charles City/Williamsburg area in the event the animal(s) experience(s) a medical emergency that requires immediate attention by an approved emergency hospital coordinated by the GTTD. I understand and acknowledge that I do not have title to the foster animal(s) to which I am providing care, and therefore, I have no right or authority to keep, adopt, transfer, or place foster animals in other homes or with other individuals. I agree that every GTTD dog or cat for which I provide foster care must be physically returned to the GTTD by the date set forth or at any time upon the request of the GTTD. I also agree to return the animal(s) to the GTTD immediately should circumstances arise that preclude me from being able to provide the animal(s) with adequate care as described above. I agree to provide information and materials (such as temperatures, weight measurements, fecal samples, etc.) related to the animal(s) to GTTD staff when requested. I agree to hold the GTTD harmless from any direct or consequential damages arising out of this foster care arrangement. I acknowledge that the GTTD may terminate this or any other foster care arrangement at any time in its sole discretion. I certify that no person residing in the household where the animals will be fostered has ever been charged with or convicted of animal cruelty, neglect or abandonment or domestic abuse. I understand that no animal may ever leave the control of the GTTD without having first been spayed or neutered. ___________________________________ _________________________________Foster Care Provider Signature Date ___________________________________ _________________________________ Signature of GTTD Representative Date Species: DogCat No. of Animals (full details below): Reason for Foster Care Placement: BehaviorMedicalFoster to AdoptSurrender & FosterOther Estimated Foster Care Placement Time (in days or weeks): Date of Initial Placement: Return Date to Gone to the Dogs Rescue: Dog/Cat Name: Animal ID: Description: Age: Sex: FemaleMale FemaleMale FemaleMale FemaleMale Foster Care Provider Name: Day and Evening Phone Numbers: If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ